2025/2026 Budget Statement
Westgate-on-Sea Town Council
We can confirm that the precept for 2025/26 will be £388,000.
The precept for 2024/25 was £209,000.
This is an increase of 85.7% – from £81.90 annually to £144 annually, or an extra £62.10 per year for a Band D property.
There are three main reasons for this increase.
1.Staff costs have risen by c£110,000 due to increased numbers and hours – for both office and operative staff – alongside nationwide increases in national insurance and a higher employer pension commitment. Immediate benefits include streamlined office operations for residents and businesses alike and an increase in street cleansing, resulting in a cleaner Westgate-on-Sea.
2.The decision was made to replenish the council reserves to the tune of c£32,000 following the purchase of a new vehicle. This is prudent at a time of economic uncertainty.
3.c£40,000 of funding has been made available for the council’s community asset ambitions, including early work needed to ascertain the viability of acquiring Westgate Library, a key landmark in the town, and an allowance for funds should a deposit be needed.
This increase of £62.10 per Band D property equates to £5.18 a month, £1.19 a week or 17p per day.
Contact Information
Nabila Yakub (Interim Town Clerk)
- 01843 836182
Find Westgate-on-Sea Town Council
Westgate-on-Sea Town Council, 78 St. Mildreds Road, Westgate-On-Sea, Kent, CT8 8RF
Additional Information
The email address for the Town Clerk is [email protected]