Local Plan Consultation
The Local Plan sets out policies and proposals that will be used to guide decisions and investment on development and regeneration. It will help make sure that the district is developed in the right way.
The plan sets out how and where homes, jobs, community facilities, shops and infrastructure will be delivered and the type of places and environments we want to create. It also identifies land to be protected from development, such as open space.
The new Local Plan will cover the district right up to 2031.
The Local Plan needs to be based on adequate, up-to-date and relevant evidence about the economic, social and environmental characteristics and prospects of Thanet. The evidence we have collected, and will continue to collect includes specific studies and a variety of statistical and other information.
You can give your views on Thanet District Council's draft Local Plan on their website.
The consultation dates will be available in due course and the Town Council is encouraging residents to feedback their comments on the housing development planned for Westgate in the new plan. A link to the previous draft submission that the Town Council submitted in March 2017 is found below. If you have any comments or feedback please contact the Town Clerk.
Draft Thanet Local Plan Main Modifications Consultation - 11th December 2019 - 27th January 2020
Thanet District Council is consulting on Main Modifications, proposed by the Planning Inspectors, to the Thanet Local Plan that was submitted for Examination in October 2018.
Following the Examination Hearing sessions, a number of changes are proposed by the Inspectors to the previous Pre-Submission Publication (Regulation 19) version of the Local Plan (published in August 2018) in order to make the Plan sound. Formal representations on the proposed Main Modifications are invited from the public and interested parties.
This consultation relates only to the Main Modifications. The consultation is not an opportunity to repeat or raise further representations about other parts of the Local Plan or to seek wider changes. All previous comments have already been considered by the Inspectors.
All representations received will be sent to the Examination Inspectors for consideration, before the examination report and the schedule of recommended Main Modifications are finalised.
Please see the Statement of Representations Procedure for details of how to submit your comments. Representations must be received by 5pm on 27th January 2020